Oct 12, 2010

Mother-Daughter Dance (Need Your Help!)


One day while we were with Mr. Meerkat’s family, Mama-In-Law Meerkat started talking about how she was looking forward to a mother-son dance. Then suddenly everyone went silent. I knew what they were thinking. They were wondering how I felt about this since I couldn’t have a father-daughter dance. I was happy for them of course! Mama-In-Law Meerkat is probably one of the sweetest, kindest people I have ever met and I am so happy that they get to have this moment together.

Now if Father Meerkat were alive he would be looking forward to dancing about as much as a root canal. He was not exactly the dancing type but he would have done it for me. I even know the song we would have danced to. It's a very old song he use to play for me when I was younger called Daddy's Girl by Red Sovine:

So while I am a TINY bit sad I know my new crazy plan is going to be WAY better and doesn’t involve me having to use a cattle prod to get anyone on the dance floor.  Ready for my craziness??

I am going to surprise Mama Meerkat with a mother-daughter dance! Now I know what you’re thinking, the two of us out there doing the sway like high schoolers thing to a sappy song about moms. No way! I plan on combining snippets of fast paced fun songs that have choreography that goes with them. My song lineup is still developing but here is what I got so far.

I want to start with a flashback to Mama Meerkats younger days and one of her favorite songs, the twist:

Her and I use to dance to this song when I was a little kid. Plus I am thinking that my two left feet can’t mess this one up too bad.

Then after 20-30 seconds I want to transition to something a little more modern.  The cha-cha slide:

Come on, you knew it was coming! This song has quickly become one of the most hated wedding songs but if it’s going to make an appearance at our wedding at least it will only be for 20-30 seconds. And I don’t care cause it’s still fun to do! *grin*

And this is where I am stuck.  I know there has to be a couple more songs out there that are fun and have some choreography for them. Anyone got any suggestions?

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